Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Advanced Adsense Tips To Create Huge Paydays

Just here recently, the Google Adsense program was the darling of the Internet Marketing World. Newbies jumped on board the Adsense bandwagon believing they would make money fast and be holding up big checks like Shoemoney. Then, after a few weeks getting paid just pennies for their clicks, they then become discouraged and screamed to anyone within earshot that Adsense doesn’t pay.

The truth is, there are quite a few of us who are getting paid damn good paydays with Google Adsense. Making money with Adsense requires a little more than just throwing up a blog, scraping content and adding your Adsense code. In a Nutshell, Adsense is still one of the easy ways to make money online. Here’s some Pro techniques that will help increase your check from the people at Google.

First off, take a long hard look at the site where you have your ads. Is your site targeted to one niche? I find it really humurous sometimes when so called Internet Marketer say you can’t make any money with Adsense. I usually check out their site and see that it isn’t optimized for any keyword that advertisers would be bidding on. Or, what advertisers that are bidding are bidding a nickel per hit. The lack of a focused website is one of the biggest reasons Webmasters don’t make bank with Adsense.

For Adsense to show your visitors the highest paying ads, your site has to be very targeted to a keyword. Take this for example, if you have articles on a site talking about everything from how green the grass is today to how sloppy your kids teacher dressed, Adsense is not going to give you the highest paying ads. What’s more, the ones you do get probably won’t be targeted to your audience because the Adsense bot is having an impossible time trying to figure out what your website is about.

You can start taking notes now. For example, let’s say you started a blog about chicken wings. You have no articles on your site other than those about Chicken Wings. You have articles about Hot Wings, Barbecue Chicken Wings, Wing Sauce Recipes, How to cook Chicken Wings, etc. Now if you’ve done your on-page SEO properly, the Adsense bot will know that you site is all about Chicken Wings. If an advertiser is paying $2.00 per click to advertise their Chicken Wing product, your site will get that high paying ad. Plus, when you have visitors to your site, they’re going to click on those Adsense ads if they want more information about chicken wings.

Another funny statement is when a noob says he’s getting a steady stream of traffic from Stumble Upon or Digg, but he isn’t getting any clicks? It’s no secret to most of us that Social Traffic doesnt convert. Traffic from Social Sites are just reading about crap while they should be working. They don’t click ads people!

Google traffic is what drives Adsense clicks. If your website is niche focused and you have your site ranking well for its keywords, then when search engine traffic from Google arrives, they’ll be clicking ads. They’re searching for information and they found it on your site. Your site has a bunch of Adsense ads about what they’re looking for. They are there to find information and they will click ads!

Another trick is to have some vague or long drawn out post. If someone is looking for a recipe on Chicken Wings with Cheese Fritters and you have an article by the same name, they’ll be reading that article. But if that article is really long and boring and says very little about Chicken Wings with Cheese Fritters, they’ll get bored and start looking around your site. That’s when they’ll see an Adsense block with an ad for a sure fire, can’t miss Chicken Wing with Cheese Fritter recipe and click on it. You don’t want to solve their problems, you want them to see an ad that they believe will solve their problem so they will click on it!

Okay, that’s enough for now. I’ll let you think about what I just said. Meanwhile, go look at your site and see where you can improve it. Get it focused on one niche. Having a website over too many topics is what gets you those nickel clicks!

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