Saturday, June 13, 2009 Rotating Header Image Google Adsense Tips - Making Money With Adsense Is Possible!

google-adsense1Well, I thought today is the time to give some Google Adsense tips. My Adsense earnings have literally doubled over the past 2 months, and even though it still doesn’t add up to all that much, I can actually see what is working and why now, and build up on that knowledge. And I would like to share my insights with you! But please excuse if it sometimes sounds a bit funny - this is just me talking to you like I was sitting opposite you. I really am not that good in having everything read polished and professional, sorry! :)

When it comes to making money with Adsense, it seems that the opinions in the Internet Marketing community are a bit split. Some say that Adsense is a great money earner, others believe that all the talk about it is B**S** and you should stick to “more solid” forms of making money online.

I admit, at the beginning of my IM career, when I had my first site up and running with lots of Adsense ads plastered around its webpages (, I started to think that Adsense was not what it was made out to be - because I had literally no clicks and therefore no income. So - this clearly didn’t work very well!


Making Money With Adsense

It has pretty much taken me the last year and a bit of learning, trying, asking questions etc. to find out that making good money with Adsense is indeed possible, and what you have to do to make it work. I’m not surprised now that so many Newbie Internet Marketers give up on it because they want to see fast results, and they are just not getting them. How should anybody at the beginning know what it takes to be successful with Adsense?!?

So here is a list of points I have discovered that can make a huge difference to your Adsense earnings:

  • Which topic/niche your website/webpage is centered around. This can determine whether you get cents or dollars per click - literally! As Google will display ads relevant to your sites or pages content, if you choose your niche or topic wisely, it will pay off. For example, if you are in a highly competitive niche like Internet Marketing (my blog here belongs to this category), the advertisers who’s ads are displayed on your site will usually have to pay a higher price for their advertising than advertisers in a much smaller niche, like gecko wall art (just using my sites as example) - all because of the higher competition. Of course it doesn’t mean that all the clicks you receive will always result in higher Adsense earnings, but in general these ads will make you more money than ads in less competitive niche markets.
Adsense CPC "Adsense"

Adsense CPC "Adsense"

Adsense CPC "Beach Decor"

Adsense CPC "Beach Decor"

What I like to do is go to Google’s External Keyword Tool and check some numbers; I type in keywords that are relevant to the niche I plan to build a website for, and then check the “Estimated Avg. CPC” number (estimated average cost per click; note it says estimated and average). Check the two examples; one is for the search term “beach decor”, and the other for “Adsense”. See the difference?? Mind you, Adsense is a bit out of the norm. But even niches with keywords getting even $2 or thereabouts for clicks can well be worth it! So needless to tell you that my beach decor site is usually making me a lot less per click than, for example, this blog you are reading.

  • Where your ads are placed. People do not have a lot of patience any more. When they arrive at your site they will quickly scan the content and then decide whether they stay or go. It has been proven that Adsense Advertising blocks that are placed above the fold (that’s what people can see on their computer before they start scrolling) are doing much better than the ones below. Simply because often people don’t even scroll down the page so the ads wouldn’t be visible. So place at least one ad unit above the fold. Also, try to blend the units within the content. A good way of doing this is to have an ad unit actually inside your main content. Research has shown that ad units that are only placed into the sidebar - for example, this is probably the most popular spot - do not attract much attention any more. So don’t make yor ad units stand out if you can, and they will look more “natural” and have a higher click-through-rate.

The amount of traffic you get to your site. Of course it makes a huge difference if your site gets 10 visitors a day or 1000 - the more visitors, the more chances that one or more of them will find something interesting in the ads displayed and click on them. So keep working on more traffic to your site, and on the optimization for the search engines.

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